The MORR Story - Eugene, Co-Founder of Morr Technologies


Last Update 3 years ago

Having survived three recessions in my life has definitely helped me glide through my first ever pandemic. What I have always wanted, to retire young, and have the privilege of working from home, realized sooner than expected. What I may have taken for granted in life, being able to travel whenever and wherever to meet people that I want to is no longer true. Social gatherings that build camaraderie is now something that is potentially life-threatening.

The full lockdown period of three months has given me more time than I can imagine to reflect on my entire career, and now I am prepared to do something to give back to society.

However, I always believe that things happen for good reason(s). I have all the time that I never thought I had to keep up with my exercise routine, dietary plan, rest, and staying healthy overall.

It is through the COVID pandemic that I have witnessed some life-changing events first-hand. More than half of the people I know had to pause and defer their life goals. Some of the less fortunate ones have lost their life savings through businesses due to the negative impact of the pandemic.

In fact, the more I speak to people, especially small business owners the more distressed I have become. There is an immediate need for a rescue plan to help these small business owners to recover from losses and rebuild their business.

My partner and I have personally surveyed over 50 small businesses, more specifically the food and beverage industry. The few of us got together and devised an affordable solution and tool that will literally, at no cost to the people in need, help these business owners to rebuild their business as a hand up.

So it was a blessing in disguise that amidst the pandemic, it gave birth to MORR. MORR is an application we came up with to help local businesses by providing them a platform to retain their customers, drive sales, and engage with them. At the same time, customers who use the MORR application get rewarded with every transaction they make and can earn up to 30% cashback. 

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